Gibt es einen Leica-Look?

Ein Interview mit jemandem der es wissen muss, weil er mehr Bilder gesehen hat als jeder von uns.

Gibt es einen Leica-Look? An dieser Frage scheiden sich die Geister. Die Gemengelage ist diffus, doch im Wesentlichen sieht es so aus: Die einen – sie besitzen oft eine solche Kamera – sagen „Ja!“ und das sie das auch erkennen können. Die anderen sagen, diesen Look könnten sie mit Ihrer Kamera genauso erzeugen und das eine Blindprobe, das auch bestätigen würde.

Eine neutrale Meinung war schwer zu bekommen, weil die Enthusiasten, die das genug interessiert fast, immer einem Kameralager zuzuordnen waren. Doch leben wir inzwischen in einer Zeit, in der man sich auch komplexere Fragen von einer KI beantworten lassen kann. KI’s sammeln m.E. keine Kameras, deshalb gehe ich mal von einer neutralen Sichtweise aus.

ACHTUNG KEIN FOTO. Ergebnis von Midjourney mit dem Prompt: „close emotional Portrait of a red-hair young punk rock woman wearing sun glasses, […], photography, leica photo look, […]“

Wagen wir also das Experiment und fragen mal eine Chat-KI nach ihrer Meinung. Doch vorher noch ein Wort zum Beitrags-Bild. Es wurde mit der Bildgenerierungs-KI „Midjourney“ erzeugt. Der Prompt dazu enthielt das Wort „Leica-Look“ also haben wir jetzt schon mal einen Hinweis, das eine KI damit etwas anfangen kann, mal sehen was die andere zu sagen hat.

ChatGPT ist die KI, die gegenwärtig in aller Munde ist. Sie funktioniert auf den ersten Blick wie ein ChatBot, doch ist sie in der Lage komplexe Sachverhalte ausführlich darzustellen. Ich habe sie zu unserem Thema befragt. (Inzwischen weis ich es. Ich hätte auch gleich auf deutsch fragen können, ist ja schliesslich intelligent diese KI 😉 Sorry das Interview habe ich auf englisch geführt.)

VisualBrainFood: „What is meant when people talk about a Leica look in photos?“

ChatGPT: „The „Leica look“ in photos generally refers to the unique aesthetic qualities of images taken with Leica cameras. This can include a certain level of sharpness and clarity, a natural color reproduction, and a smooth bokeh (the out-of-focus areas in a photograph). Additionally, the „Leica look“ is often associated with a certain level of film-like grain and a muted contrast, which can give images a more organic and natural appearance.“

VisualBrainFood: „Can you give an example for that?“

ChatGPT: „A good example of the „Leica look“ can be seen in photographs taken with a Leica M-series rangefinder camera and a fast prime lens. These types of cameras have a reputation for producing images with a high level of sharpness and clarity, as well as a certain level of film-like grain. Additionally, the images produced by these cameras often have a specific tonal range, with deep blacks and rich highlights, which can give them a sense of depth and dimensionality.

Leica M-series cameras are also known for their compact size, which makes them ideal for street photography and candid shots. The combination of the compact size and fast prime lens can result in photographs that have a unique sense of intimacy, as if the photographer were able to capture a fleeting moment in a natural and unobtrusive way.

In summary, when people talk about the „Leica look“ in photos, they typically refer to the unique aesthetic qualities that are often associated with photographs taken with Leica cameras, such as sharpness, tonal range, organic or natural feel and a certain level of film-like grain.“

VisualBrainFood: „How is this look achieved? What special design features or patents does the manufacturer Leica use to create this image look?“

ChatGPT: There are a few key design features of Leica cameras that contribute to the „Leica look“ in images.

First, Leica cameras use high-quality lenses that are known for their sharpness and clarity. Many of these lenses are made with aspherical elements, which help to reduce aberrations and improve image quality. Additionally, Leica lenses are often designed with a wide aperture, which allows for a shallow depth of field and smooth bokeh.

Another important aspect of the „Leica look“ is the natural color reproduction and film-like grain that is often present in images taken with these cameras. This is achieved in part by the use of high-quality sensors and image processors in Leica cameras, which are designed to capture and process light in a way that is true to life. Additionally, Leica cameras often have settings that allow you to adjust the contrast and saturation of your images, giving you more control over the final look of your photos.

Finally, Leica cameras are also known for their compact and minimalist design which makes them easy to use, discreet and lightweight. This makes the Leica cameras ideal for street photographers, photojournalists, and other photographers who need to be able to move quickly and easily.

Overall, the „Leica look“ is achieved by a combination of high-quality lenses, advanced sensor and image processing technology, and a design that prioritizes ease of use and discreetness.

However, it is also important to note that the „Leica Look“ can also be influenced by photography technique and post-processing, and that the look can also be interpreted differently from photographer to photographer.“

VisualBrainFood: „What are the most common interpretations?“

ChatGPT: „There are a few different interpretations of the „Leica Look“ used by photographers and photography enthusiasts. Some of the most common are:

  • Warm colors: Many photographers describe the „Leica Look“ as a warm color reproduction that appears more natural than that of other cameras. This can be achieved by using special color filters and adjusting the color reproduction in the camera.
  • Sharp images with low distortion and chromatic aberration: Another feature often associated with the „Leica Look“ is the sharpness and depth of field of the images, which are achieved by using high-quality lenses and a special optical design.
  • High dynamic range: Leica cameras often have a higher dynamic range, which means they are able to capture more differences in brightness in an image without any loss in sharpness.
  • Analog aesthetic: Some photographers describe the „Leica look“ as a kind of analog aesthetic that retains a certain „imperfection“ or „character“ in shots that is often missing in digital shots.

It is important to note that there are many different interpretations of the „Leica Look“ and that each photographer has a own perspective. Some photographers like the look, others don’t.“

VisualBrainFood: „Is it possible that the Leica look also has a special significance because the cameras are very expensive and only a small, wealthy group of people can own them? Is this also about status?“

ChatGPT: “The Leica look is often associated with a specific aesthetic, characterized by a high level of sharpness, vibrant colors and a distinct bokeh. The brand’s reputation for producing high-quality, expensive cameras has certainly contributed to its status as a symbol of wealth and exclusivity. Additionally, the fact that Leica cameras have been used by many well-known photographers throughout history has also contributed to their perceived status and exclusivity. However, it is important to note that the Leica look can be achieved with other cameras as well, and ultimately it is the photographer’s skill and artistic vision that determines the final image.“

However, it is important to note that the Leica look can be achieved with other cameras as well, and ultimately it is the photographer’s skill and artistic vision that determines the final image.

Jetzt frage ich mich, ob uns das mehr über den Leica-Look verrät oder über die Fähigkeiten dieser neuen KI-Maschinen. Die Zukunft bleibt spannend.

Ein Kommentar zu „Gibt es einen Leica-Look?

  1. Das war ein spannendes Interview, natürlich nicht nur wegen der Frage nach der angenommen Überlegenheit einer Leica. Ich habe mich bisher nicht tiefer mit AI beschäftigt und muß nun feststellen, dass es sich nicht um ein Kardashian Phänomen handelt, sondern um eine technische Entwicklung, die nun den Sprung in die Realität des Alltags schaffte.

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